Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Saving The Environment And Money With Rainwater Harvesting

There are numerous methods that different water sources can be utilized, whether you are gathering, rainwater, groundwater or gray water. Rainwater or roofwater harvesting includes the compilation and storage of rain or roof water, and it has been utilized for a number of years, in a number of areas of the globe. Rain barrels can be bought at making supply stores and to grab rainwater in order to be used again, but if you are interested in collecting water on a huge scale, you might wish a more complicated system.

What rainwater harvesting offers?

Still, in several regions that have modern and reliable water supply units, the fashion is reversing itself and persons are gathering rainwater for irrigation and household purposes. This technique offers water, which is moderately clean and it essentially needs less treatment as compared to gray water. In big commercial buildings, rainwater might be caught and saved either on the roofs of buildings or in parking areas. In this manner, a huge amount of runoff rainwater can be gathered. These can also acquire several of the intemperance water from storm drains, and stop overburdening of the drainage systems of municipalities.
The water stored in parking lots, can not only succumb usable water, but it also lowers the quantity of water striking water treatment facilities or local streams, in communities that make use of storm drain runoff and their treatment system on the collective basis. New buildings might also be outfitted to gather rainwater, and this system can gather and save the water. Storm water can also be pre filtered that lowers the filtration it must experience out of the system.

Using active and passive systems

Utilizing passive roofwater harvesting, building proprietors or homeowners can utilize non-mechanical modes of gathering, rainwater and afterwards, cleaning and storing it. In fact, passive designs or patterns can be utilized to make regions that will include the water in anticipation of; it can be absorbed into the earth in a natural manner. Swales, ponds, pavers and creek beds might be utilized to grab the water, on land for a large interval of time and not hurl it into the storm water or drain systems.

These kinds of systems are moderately simple and effective and these systems are normally not costly to set up and install. Passive and active approaches can be utilized collectively too. The active harvesting technique involves installing a system, which will gather, filter, save and recycle rainwater, which may otherwise be directed into the storm and drain systems.

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Significance of Water Conservation

What is the significance of conservation of water? Well, it is very essential for several reasons. One of the greatest reasons is to save money. When you are utilizing water in your house, you are generally utilizing warm water the most, for having a bath or a shower, for washing dishes and this water is being warmed and the heating water cost cash. If you wish to save cash on your bills of water heating, it is essential that you are utilizing water only when you require it. Having a shower rather than running a bath and utilizing low flow aerators, are some things that you can perform to decrease the quantity of water you utilize.

The significance of water conservation expands outward from your house as well. When you warm up water in your house without any need, this adds to air pollution. Even a small at a time can contribute up. For this reason, it is essential to conserve. One of the methods you can perform this is by shifting your previous water heater to an inline water heater from a tank that only works when it is being utilized.

Tips For Saving Water

As you know, there is no life without water as it is required to do everything in our daily life. Hence, it is very essential to save water. Here are some water saving tips that are discussed as below: 

Turn The Tap off

Allowing the water run during performing several activities such as brushing your teeth, washing the clothes or dishes is a practice that many individuals do. It can be very difficult to break this practice. You must turn off the tap while doing all these activities. By doing this, you can save a lot of water.

Fix Leaks

If there is any leakages are there in your home, then you must fix it. Don’t underestimate these leaks as a lot of water get wasted due to these leaks. So, you must exchange valve washers and seats and verifying outside and inside of your house for any leaks to fix.

Hose Habits

While watering the plants, working in the yard or washing the vehicle, you must turn off the hose when you are not utilizing it. Don’t let the water run needlessly.

Have Quicker Showers

A shower is a quick and an easy method to waste water. You must take less time to take your shower in order to waste less amount of water. Another method to save water while getting shower is to establish a shower head for saving water.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Save water with rain water harvesting

Rain water or storm water harvesting is one of the best ways by which water can be conserved and made worthy of consumption by some treatment plans. Whether your reason for saving water is to aid in domestic use or for commercial and industrial purpose like use in manufacturing units or as a kind of coolant in the production process, you would need water and since the level of water is continuously depleting it is very important to take appropriate steps to conserve it. Although there is a lot of water on the planet that we inhabit, a very small margin of it is viable for daily use. Companies and individuals have to work together to make sure that maximum amount of water is saved so that it can be reused.

Storm water harvesting is one of the most convenient ways by which large quantities of water can be conserved. You would need to set up a conservation plan for this purpose. The setting up of a water harvesting plan is very simple and relatively easy. It would require some initial investment, but the amount of benefits and even monetary gains that you will realize from it would more than compensate for what you have to spend. For this purpose you can either take the help of professionals who would not only evaluate your need but would also help in the construction or you can simply ask a professional to suggest what possible structures for the plant would be suitable for you. For domestic reason an average sized plant would be sufficient and you would not need a chemical treatment plant either. But for commercial purposes you would need a chemical plant and a large water collection structure.

The first thing you need is a large rooftop space where the water can be collected during rainfall. From this collection place the water will be diverted to a reservoir from where it will be sent to a treatment plant. After treatment of the water it can be directed to a storage tank from where it can be used as per requirement. Companies who have adopted this practice of storm water harvesting also look upon it as a corporate social responsibility activity. This is in fact a very good practice and should be encouraged in the business world as much as possible so that more participants emerge for this.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Save water to leave behind nature for future generations

Water is one of the most precious commodities on earth today. And it is also one of the commodities that is depleting at the fastest rate. People do not realize that water is required for the very survival of human beings and that without this precious element it would be very difficult to maintain life as we know it. Nature and the survival of all living beings depend on water. If you can realize this and accept this then maybe some steps can be taken for conservation of water and it would become possible to leave behind a better legacy for the future generations.

It is not just for the residential perspective but also from the commercial point of view that water conservation needs to be focused on. The one sure shot way by which one can start an initiative to conserve water is to make sure that you follow water saving tips at home and encourage the members of your family, especially your children, to follow them as well. By making sure that you follow the tips that are shared by various organizations you will be doing your bit towards conservation of water. If you can implement some changes on a larger scale then you should consider rain water harvesting or storm water harvesting which allows you to use water from rainfalls instead of disturbing and using the water from the local sources.

From the commercial point of view, it is very important that economical use of water should be made. Even companies and manufacturing factories should establish economical water consuming practices which allow them to conserve water. This is one way by which they can help conserve water. There are many professional consultants who can be hired by such companies to help and suggest some water saving tips. Such consultants do a review of your practices and the production process that is being followed and then suggest changes that can be made to the process. Such changes would be useful not just in reducing the consumption of water but also in bringing down the cost of production which will be very beneficial for the company.

Every person must participate in this initiative to save and conserve water because that is the only way the survival of the planet and of the future generations would be ensured for the time to come.

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

The imbalance between the demand and supply of water

Recycled water is the alternative form of water supply. It never comes from an original source of water. It means that the water is never taken from a drinking water source.  There are many other ways by which the water can be stored and recycled. The water coming from rain, roof water, storm water or the recycled waste water are the alternative forms of water supply. This form of water is mainly used in the industries located in the regional areas. There they are unable to find a main water supply and therefore are forced to recycle the use water. In urban areas it is not a compulsory but it is an option. They should make use of alternative form of water source because if this is an option today then very soon it will become a compulsory obligation.

If you look in the past, then you can realize the importance of alternative source of water. Previously all the water demands were met by the drinking water but now things are no more same. Well how can they be same as there are many places facing shortage of water? Today the whole world is busy finding the ways to conserve water. Recycled water is the need of the hour.

The population is growing day by day and the natural resources are depleting at a much faster rate. The earth is suffering from the problem of global warming and it is all because of deforestation.  Even there are no normal rainfalls. The demand of water sources is high and the supply isles. So from where the needs will be met? It is the tough question. There are no resources or the infrastructure that can meet the water needs. The development and the growing construction projects demands more water but from where the demand will be met? 

The people and the industry have to find the alternative sources of water. The alternative sources of water have to be created by man itself. The answer is simple. They have to follow the ways to save the used water and then should recycle it to meet their water needs. Only drinking needs cannot be met by recycled water.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Save water for a better tomorrow

Everyone today is aware of the global crisis that our generation is facing. Not only is there a depletion of natural resources but even the quality of life has been going down. In such times, one of the few contributions that individuals and businesses can make is to conserve and save water. Water has been depleting and the quality of drinking water has reduced by a huge margin because of addition of numerous pollutants and wastes. Changing rainfall pattern has put a lot of pressure on water supply, which is very limited. As an industry, there are some things that can be done to conserve water and reduce the overall water usage. These water saving tips have been shared by many people over different media and have produced very effective results.

The first step is to look at the pattern of water consumption and identify areas where water is being wasted or where the consumption can be reduced without affecting the complete process. These management practices can help in reducing the consumption by 3 to 4%. The next area to be focused should be drainage and catchment areas where the waste water gets collected. A suitable infrastructure development can make it possible to reuse some of the water from these catchment areas which is relatively cleaner. This would be useful in reducing the demand for fresh water from outside the company or industry.

Another management practice that can be made use of at this juncture is to set up a water consumption budget. Every department in the company should be given a specific target of water consumption which needs to be followed. Meters set up at strategic points can help in quantitatively evaluating how much water has been consumed. Alternatively the departments can be given targets to save water.

Apart from these practices, other water saving tips which have produced astonishing results are the practices of rainwater harvesting, storm water harvesting and searching for alternate sources of water supply. The use of water from catchment and drainage systems is one example of alternate water supply. Storm water and rain water are also very valuable sources of water which can be used by proper harvesting techniques. If you need professional assistance and advice for your company then you can consult professionals such as Industry Water which provide effective alternative water solutions to industries and manufacturing companies.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Meet the water demand with recycled water

Recycled water is the call of present time where the demand of water is increasing day by day and the sully is not enough to match the rising demand.  The recycling of water can benefit the society in both ways economically as well as ecologically. The water can be recycled and can be used for a variety of applications like agriculture, irrigation, and industrial uses. When water is recycled then it is basically stopped from going back into the environment. It provides the people with a source to fulfill their water needs by an alternative source helping to augment the fresh water supplies. It comes real useful in the areas where water scarcity is a major problem.  Such areas don’t have enough supply of water to carry out their normal daily routine. 

recycled water

There are many people who would deny the use of recycled water for drinking. Well water is just not used for drinking. There are many other applications which can be used to save water. After the required treatment, this can be used for various other applications like:
  • It can be used for the purpose of food crop irrigation.
  • People can use the recycled water in the daily chores like washing clothes, cleaning homes, toilet flushing, vehicle washing, etc.
  • With the appropriate treatment it can be used for dinking. Whether it is for drinking or for some other application, the water is used only after it is treated with the appropriate methods. It has to pass the pre-defined regulatory guidelines.
  • Many industries require water to carry out their working process. They need the water as an added supplement to carry out the process. It can serve as a good alternative to fulfill the water demand.
  • One of the uses of recycled water is for surface irrigation and landscape and golf course irrigation.
There is no need to explain the importance of water. In one single word it is the other name for life. Make use of recycled water to save the sensitive ecosystems that rely on natural water sources. Help the world to preserve the precious water resources

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Saving Water Is Like Saving Money through various tips

Most of the industrial houses depend on the traditional water supply. This type of water supply is based on the portable water and must be used wisely, however, due to the large scale of operation in industrial houses the consumption is more and this precious resource goes wasted. Hence we must adopt to some water saving tips so that precious resource can be preserved for the ongoing generation and the coming generation. Here are some ideas and tips that can help such companies to save water.

Try To Look For All The Alternates That Are Available

•    You will be surprised to know that there are many alternate sources of water that can be easily tapped and utilized later. These are basically called as alternate water sources and some common example are rainwater, waste water treatment and storm water tapping.

•    As you know that due to changing weather conditions and rainfall pattern the pressure on traditional water supply resources is increasing and this is leading to a shortfall in the supply.

How To Tap Such Alternate Sources?

• In order to tap such alternate sources you can take help from a professional company such as
•    The main aim of this company is to ensure that all the alternate resources of water are tapped and used in a wise manner.
•    There are many different ways that are utilized such as rainwater harvesting, roof water and storm water harvesting.
•    With the help of rainwater harvesting the water table is increased and it can later be utilized when needed. All these measures help in efficient use of natural resources and also helps in creating a balance between the environment and humans.
•    Another benefit is that you will be able to support the environment which is getting damaged due to over consumption and more and more human intervention.

What All Industries That Are Supported By The Company?

•    Various industries are supported by this company such as agriculture, commercial buildings, manufacturing, mining, transport.

•    Apart from all the industries there are many more industries that are supported and you can gain complete information by logging on to their website which is available 27/7.

•    You can easily contact them by calling on the phone number provided on the website or you can also fill up the enquiry form available on their website.
Saving water is like saving money and moreover, you are getting a chance to conserve water and contribute to the environment.